مربية منزل Private house keeper
مربية منزل Private house keeper
مربية منزل Private house keeper
مربية منزل Private house keeper
مربية منزل Private house keeper
مربية منزل Private house keeper
مربية منزل Private house keeper
مربية منزل Private house keeper
مربية منزل Private house keeper
مربية منزل Private house keeper
1,000 1,001
(قابل للتفاوض)

مربية منزل Private house keeper

  • 2024-01-15 4:35 ص
  • مصر
  • 185 مشاهدات
  • بيع

نظرة عامة


  • 1- Honesty
  • 2-Sincerity
  • 3-Credibility
  • 4-Seriousness
  • 5-Awareness, understanding and culture
  • 6-Kindness and mercy with firmness
  • 7- Adherence to the rules and regulations
  • 8-Experience, advice, and companionship within borders while preserving class differences


مربية منزل

Job required
Private house keeper
Dignified, compassionate and courteous
He is good at the rules of protocol and receiving guests
Patient, respectful and respectful of privacy
He is good at dealing with technology and home repairs
He is good at dealing with children
Merciful to animals
He understands and speaks English and a little French
High qualified
46 years old
Permanent or temporary
Ready to travel

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